Monday, November 29, 2010

chapter 45

Throughout reading this chapter the main thought in my head was of the comedian Bo Burnham. He released a new cd recently and I've been listening to it lately. He is so incredibly witty and is so amazing at using homophones and puns. For example in his one song "Words words words" he says: "A boy, a girl, a middle aged bitch, botox in the third person. I give the perspective a switch and bo talks in the third person." The first time I heard this I was so amused by the play on words or whatever it is between botox and Bo talks. He has constant jokes like this and the more I listen to a song the more I found in it. I love that his music/comedy makes me think in a way that is still fun. It's true that you can't take things comedians say seriously. Almost everything Bo Burnham says (or any of the many comedians I love for that matter) is making fun of a person or group of people. But as he says in the beginning of his first song "the way I see it, if you're gonna make fun of one group of people ya gotta make fun of 'em all."

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