Friday, November 19, 2010

chapter 37

Smart Mobs are groups of people who organize themselves by technological use for a common purpose. This purpose could be social, educational, political, etc. Whatever the reason, it is our human abilities such as thumbs that make this soon to be phenomenon possible. I find it interesting that this chapter is not directly negative while so many other chapters in this book seem to look down or dislike technology. It also mentions multi-tasking. I define myself by my ability to multi-task, it's what makes me happy. Not necessarily texting while conversing with someone, I find that somewhat rude. Rather, talking to taking yearbook pictures at the movie last night while directing people where to go for the movie (working for CAB as well). This type of multi-tasking makes it possible for both important tasks to get done.

In addition, chapter 37 goes on to talk about the power of a crowd. When in a crowd, people general reasoning can be temporarily suspended while in the "crowd" mentality. A crowd also creates an impressive image as much as it likes being impressed by images. The mass media communication we use today is based on crowd like reactions. Collective behaviors occur in crowds such as clapping at a concert or laughing at a movie.

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