Thursday, September 16, 2010

Body Language

If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.  ~Mark Twain

When our brains are processing certain information sometimes it causes our bodies to have uncontrollable related actions. Similar to saying that our emotions are inseparable from our nonverbal actions such as facial expressions and gestures, sometimes our reactions to certain situations can be uncontrollable. For example, sometimes when people lie they look away for various reasons. One can be because their brain is trying to make up something to say in which case they would look up and to the right, or left for lefties. However, if someone is trying to remember something they may look up and to the left in attempts to access their memories. In addition, if we’re suddenly scared, surprised or disgusted we may make certain facial expressions such as scrunching up our face or widening our eyes and opening our mouths. This is in response to the situation. For example, when one is scared they may widen their eyes an open their mouths which research has shown helps for better peripheral vision and greater air intake without any extra effort to inhale more strongly. Also, the facial expression most associated with disgust has been found to reduce the amount of open space in the nasal passages reducing the amount of sensory input such as smell. It’s no wonder why our bodies react this way for us. It’s actually quite amazing that we react in a way that benefits us without even realizing it or doing anything consciously to make it happen. With lying, this may or may not be to our benefit however, it’s to someone’s benefit! Things like crossed arms come off as defensive and we can use knowledge of these nonverbal actions and expressions to help us know if someone is telling the truth, or possibly to get away with our own lies!

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