Wednesday, October 13, 2010

chapter 14

Dating all the way back to Aristotle, writers have agreed that in narrative, sequence is of great importance. In this case a narrative responds to the question “and then what happened?” The fully formed narrative has six common elements which are:
1.      Abstract- summary of the substance
2.      Orientation- time, place, context
3.      Complicating action- the sequence of events
4.      Evaluation- meaning of the action
5.      Resolution- what happens in the end
6.      Coda- returns perspective to present
Riessman says that our conversations are narratives or stories. She states that not all conversations are stories because some may be debates or statements but in most personal type of conversation there are stories brought into play. Bakhtin said that conversation involved thinking about past, present and future dialogue and now Reissman says there are these six additional steps involved as well. This shows even more so how language is a game and there are many rules and factors and strategies connected.
In our Terry Tate commercial:
1.      Abstract- the new Reebok program at Feltcher & Sons
2.      Orientation- typical day at the office after much progress has already been made with Terry Tate being at the business
3.      Complicating action- the program was established, Terry Tate enforced rules and productivity increased at the office
4.      Evaluation- by bringing a sports/athletic attitude into the workplace people can develop skills of determination and teamwork
5.      Resolution- the boss just loves Terry Tate and highly supports Reebok’s plan
6.      Coda- Reebok supports a team-player, strong and determined attitude at all times, even at work, not just while playing a sport

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