Wednesday, October 13, 2010

chapter 13

Dialogism is, in Bakhtin’s theory, an over simplification but it’s relatively true. It infers that dialogue is communication. Dialogue is when we mean the two-way aspect of communication. When we think of a conversation between people, what was said, is said and will be said all come into play. We must take into consideration beliefs, surrounding situation and the means by which we’re having this conversation. All of these elements were discussed by other theories in previous chapters.
Bakhtin also talks about a theory called intertextuality which is the notion that almost all “text” being produced currently ties into or has a relationship with others previously created. Sometimes we’re not as aware of what previous works are influencing our current works be it in terms of style or content. However, it can also be intentional to include intertextuality.
My group’s ad (Terry Tate Office Linebacker) includes a lot of dialogue especially between Terry Tate and the employees of Feltcher & Sons. It also includes a little intertextuality with phrases such as “when it’s game time, it’s pain time” and when the boss says “outside the box thinking.”

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